93 Results Found

TechCamp Guinee

TechCamp Guinée réunira des influenceurs et des professionnels des médias pour renforcer la démocratie et autonomiser les communautés locales en leur fournissant des compétences avancées en littératie médiatique et des stratégies pour lutter efficacement contre la désinformation et la mésinformation. TechCamp Guinée améliorera les capacités de pensée critique et de vérification des faits, essentielles pour…

TechCamp Korea

Hosted by U.S. Embassy Seoul, TechCamp Korea is a 3 day-long workshop for 50 of university students, researchers, and early-career young professionals working in AI to discuss pressing issues of AI Ethics and AI-based discrimination. The TechCamp will include a combination of formal expert-led discussions and workshops as well as informal team building exercises, with…

TechCamp Pune

Consulate General Mumbai’s waste management-themed TechCamp, held in Pune, will catalyze innovative solutions, and foster regional collaboration to tackle the pressing challenge of managing waste in western India. Bringing together diverse participants from in and around Pune, the four-day conference will facilitate interactive sessions with experts from the United States and around the world to…

TechCamp Israel (hosted in Greece)

In partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Israel and Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, TechCamp Israel will bring together promising young Jewish and Arab leaders in climate change in Israel to promote economic and scientific cooperation surrounding adaptation and mitigation responses to climate change. This interactive program will connect emerging leaders, activists, influencers, and entrepreneurs…

TechCamp Bavaria in Tutzing

TechCamp Bavaria in Tutzing seeks to address the goal of ensuring continued, close consultation and cooperation with Germany on countering Russian disinformation, including propaganda distorting the facts surrounding Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine. Countering disinformation will be key to upholding German public support and facilitating continued U.S.-Germany cooperation. TechCamp Bavaria in Tutzing will also be…

TechCamp Uruguay

TechCamp Uruguay is empowering game designers taking their first steps as entrepreneurs in the video game development industry. It focuses on individuals who have the desire and ambition to undertake this industry, with the intensive program focusing on entrepreneurial, product, and market-specific skills for the video game industry. The TechCamp brings together 40 participants from…

NextGen TechCamp Central Asia

NextGen TechCamp Central Asia originates from former President Barack Obama’s 2009 call for a “New Beginning” between the U.S. and the Muslim world with a focus on increased engagement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) via the TechWomen (TW) and TechGirls (TG) programs which celebrated their 10-year anniversary. These TechCamps will build on pre-existing…

TechCamp Thessaloniki 2024

TC Thessaloniki “Empowering Ukrainian Refugees Through Digital Technologies” seeks to address Mission goals of limiting foreign malign influence and building strong people-to-people ties by promoting global alliances built upon shared democratic values by bringing together refugees from different regions of Greece and other countries in Europe to empower participants by increasing their technical capacity and…

NextGen TechCamp Jordan

Originating from former President Barack Obama’s 2009 call for a “New Beginning” between the U.S. and the Muslim world with a focus on increased engagement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), ECA’s TechWomen (TW) and TechGirls (TG) programs celebrate their 10-year anniversary with three TechCamps called NextGen TechCamps. These TechCamps will build on pre-existing…

TechCamp Bangladesh

TechCamp Bangladesh seeks to support Bangladesh in strengthening civil society, enabling Bangladesh to hold free, fair, credible, and inclusive elections at all levels, protect vulnerable populations, and ensure civil liberties. The TechCamp will equip journalism students with skills and best practices in addressing disinformation, enhanced knowledge on media ethics, and media technology training. CLICK HERE…