TechCamp Bavaria in Tutzing

Building Resilience in an Era of Disinformation

Tutzing, Germany View Map
June 10-12, 2024

Participants from



German public support for Ukraine has been eroding on all levels throughout the second year of the war. With a second international conflict area in the Middle East diverting attention from the war, calls for Ukraine to negotiate an end to the war are becoming more vocal and more frequent. Relatedly, public support for deliveries of materiel needed to break the military stalemate and sanctions towards Russia is declining.

TechCamp Bavaria in Tutzing seeks to address the goal of ensuring continued, close consultation and cooperation with Germany on countering Russian disinformation, including propaganda distorting the facts surrounding Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine. Countering disinformation will be key to building German public support for greater German leadership and facilitate U.S.-Germany cooperation.

TechCamp Bavaria in Tutzing will also target members of the Ukrainian community living in Germany.