89 Results Found

TechCamp Myanmar

“TechCamp Myanmar: Media Literacy for the Next Generation” brings together journalists, educators and civil-society activists to strengthen the network of media literacy advocates in Myanmar. They will connect with local and international technology trainers to explore tech solutions to the challenges of strengthening digital media literacy across Myanmar, via interactive training sessions, small-group work and…

TechCamp Peru

TechCamp es una iniciativa del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos dirigida a conectar a líderes que trabajan en desafíos mundiales con herramientas digitales que facilitan sus esfuerzos. TechCamp Perú se centrará en la lucha contra la delincuencia transnacional organizada que afecta al medioambiente y los recursos naturales. Habrá participantes de Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia,…

Dubai Panorama

TechCamp South Asia

TechCamp South Asia seeks to empower women social entrepreneurs from India & Pakistan, increasing their technical capacity to use digital tools and strategies to improve their businesses in order to better address social challenges.  TechCamp South Asia will help women entrepreneurs and startup founders design solutions to overcome certain barriers in their enterprise’s life cycle, from…

Christuskirche in Windhoek, Namibia. (Shutterstock)

TechCamp Namibia

Digital technology has changed the world, connecting us with information at the touch of a finger. Regular internet access, smart phones and other technological advances have brought us all closer together and have given rise to whole new industries. But in addition to positive changes, the pace and scale of this technological revolution have created…


TechCamp Copenhagen

TechCamp Copenhagen, Promoting Youth Engagement and Inclusion in a Digital Society, will take place on the evening of June 25, and both days of June 26 & 27. The event will bring together organizations that work to engage youth, journalists, as well as youth themselves from Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The TechCamp will focus on…

Three storks flying over a marsh. (Shutterstock)

TechCamp Visaginas

В технологическом лагере TechCamp Visaginas соберутся предприниматели из Литвы, Латвии, Эстонии и Беларуси для участия в двухдневной программе, которая будет проходить с 19 по 20 мая. Участники узнают о том, как владельцы малого и среднего бизнеса могут использовать широкий спектр технологических инструментов с целью развития своих компаний.

Summit of the Americas background featuring outlines of North and South America.

TechCamp Guatemala

El campamento tecnológico TechCamp Guatemala promoverá las metas de la octava Cumbre de las Américas al empoderar a los líderes de la sociedad civil en América Latina para que utilicen la tecnología en la lucha contra la corrupción así como para fortalecer la gobernabilidad democrática. Trabajando con los principales expertos en tecnología, los participantes de…

Man in polo shirt uses a stylus and tablet to preform calculations.

STEM TechCamp Brasil

O TechCamp Brasil apoia inovações que respondem à recente legislação brasileira sobre o Novo Ensino Médio, e também as demandas do setor produtivo por profissionais mais qualificados por meio do aumento das comunicações, alfabetização digital e o movimento maker.