Code for Africa’s Blaise Aboh (also a trainer at YALI TechCamp Abidjan) highlights in an August Medium post, that with regards to corruption, “there is desire for change. Across Africa, we’ve seen citizens voting into power regimes based on promises of battling corruption,” but one of the challenges the public faces is that “the underlying infrastructure is resistant to change and we lack the tools to monitor and enforce it.”
Blaise continues to explain, that as citizens, “we rely on media, NGOs, and opposition parties to hold their government to account. But we, as technologists, can help to build the tools needed to do that.”
“That’s why the U.S. Embassy in Abidjan and NGO WISE teamed up to host a Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) TechCamp event in Abidjan in July, which was themed around technology and tools for transparency. YALI Network members from Cote D’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea attended, keen on learning digital skills and strategies to enhance transparency and hold their leaders accountable.” Read more from Blaise on Medium.