Mohammad alQaq is a visual artist, with a BA in visual art. He has 6 years of work experience at Rubicon as Art Director. By the end of 2005, he decided to embark on various personal projects. In the same year, he represented Jordan in France’s International Digital Media Meeting. Mohammad uses different platforms to express his ideas: he’s a singer and filmmaker. He’s also a practicing actor, presenter, and photographer. He often serves as a judge panelist for creative graduation projects at several universities. Mohammad is also a trainer/instructor for the dance exercise, Zumba.
His popular blog “Khobbeizeh,” the first video-blog in the arab region, allowed him to venture into the world of media, paving the way for different initiatives such as establishing “sha-shaboneh”, the first Jordanian blogging meeting; writing in Pulp magazine, participating in the Freedom Messengers Network; and joining Hiber as a co-founder, trainer and space director. Mohammad also works mainly as a multimedia trainer and helps people to tell their digital stories visually. Recently he was the creative director of Fikrezyon, the non-profit arabic online TV platform, and the Director of New Think Theater #11. He’s preparing for his new TV show, so stay tuned @moalQaq.
Mohammad alQaq

Creative Director, Fikrezyon