Mandolin Dotto Kahindi is an experienced Project Manager and Journalist with a demonstrated history of working in the media, culture and creative industries. He holds a Diploma in Journalism and has worked as a professional Journalist for The Business Times (2003 – 2004), Radio Ukweli FM (2007 – 2010), Mwananchi Newspaper (2011 – 2013), Tone MultMedia (2013 – 2014) and a Blogger for Tabianchi blog (2014 – 2016). Mandolin was a founding member of Action Music Tanzania and the Executive Secretary of the organization for five years until 2015. He is currently responsible for marketing AMTZ and developing the income streams of the organization. He worked as Country Programme Officer for the Danish Centre for Culture and Development (CKU) from 2014 to 2016. He was the Program Manager for Cultural Affairs and Business Section at the Danish Embassy in Tanzania from 2016 to 2018. He worked for Culture and Development East Africa CDEA as the Programme Manager, managing the East Africa In Motion Grant which supports mobility of creatives within East Africa Countries (May 2019 to May 2020). He is also the Director of Kijani Consult Tanzania and Promo Online TV which informs, engage and inspire communities on agribusiness practices, climate action stories and ideas through consultancy work, digital media and art platforms. For more than 10 years, He has been managing projects for national and international organizations both in the media, cultural, creative and business sectors. He is creative and holds journalistic and event management skills, proposal writing, and project management skills as well as strong business development skills with a big network of both cultural and media practitioners in East Africa.
Mandolin Dotto Kahindi