Jorge Luis Sierra is a co-founder and President of the Border Center for Journalists and Bloggers, a non-profit organization based in Edinburg Texas. He is leading the Investigative Reporting Border Hub project to produce data-driven stories on corruption issues at both sides of the U.S. – Mexico border. As an investigative reporter and editor, Jorge Luis focuses at the intersection of technology, investigative journalism, and cybersecurity. He directed the Mike O’Connor Fellowship Program, a project dedicated to developing new generations of Mexican investigative reporters to conduct in-depth investigations about corruption, torture, human trafficking and abuse to Mexican private soldiers. As a Knight Fellow of the International Center for Journalists, he created digital maps to track crime, corruption, and attacks to journalists in Panama, Mexico, and Iraq. He developed the Salama web application for journalists and human rights defenders to conduct a risk assessment and improve their security posture. He is the author of a dozen books and chapters on counterinsurgency and armed conflicts.
Jorge Luis Sierra

President, Border Center for Journalists and Bloggers