Duman Smakov – Master of Social Sciences, editor-in-chief of Factcheck.kz. Duman Smakov studied at the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Since 2015, he has been working at MediaNet International Centre for Journalism. Since 2018, he has been the editor-in-chief of Factcheck.kz. Duman is focuses on the following topics: fact-checking, methods of applying fact-checking to information campaigns, information security and the role of fact-checking in it, open sources and their reliability, the work of non-governmental organizations in Kazakhstan, priority in working with national languages, crisis communication, effective management of non-governmental organizations, countering hate speech aimed at minority groups, features of monitoring of information in national languages, journalistic and media education, media and information literacy, features of the dissemination of information in national languages, repressive methods in national laws and the creation of an information campaign against them.
Duman Smakov

Deputy Director / Editor-in-Chief, MediaNet / Factcheck.kz