Brandon Oelofse is currently Manager and Senior Trainer at RNTC and trains globally. He is an award-winning screenwriter and filmmaker and his work has been represented at numerous festivals, including Cannes and the Oscars. He has directed television series, commercials, short films, documentaries, new media content and is well known for his work as a music video and adverts director in South Africa. He is a company director of Vuselela Media, a South African non-profit organisation that develops grassroots journalism in disadvantaged communities. The company produces a number of national television shows, using media for change. In 2014 he co-authored “Making the Media Work for You” – a guide for civil society organisations on how to access the media and use it for change. Brandon currently chairs RNTC’s Media for Influence, Media for Behaviour Change and Media for Counter Radicalisation and Violent Extremism studies. He collaborates with the Dutch Foreign ministry, Spark and others on Counter Extremism communication in the MENA region and runs training of journalists and communication experts in the field of radicalization.
Brandon Oelofse

Manager and Senior Trainer, RNTC- The Radio Netherlands Training Center